327-50 Aluminum Brightener
Use only with adequate ventilation. Eye irritation and dizziness are indications of over exposure. Do not take internally, swallowing may cause injury or death. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. May cause skin irritation or dermatitis. Do not get in eyes. Will cause discomfort, irritation or possible permanent eye damage.
Use only with adequate ventilation. Eye irritation and dizziness are indications of over exposure. Do not take internally, swallowing may cause injury or death. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. May cause skin irritation or dermatitis. Do not get in eyes. Will cause discomfort, irritation or possible permanent eye damage.
Use only with adequate ventilation. Eye irritation and dizziness are indications of over exposure. Do not take internally, swallowing may cause injury or death. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. May cause skin irritation or dermatitis. Do not get in eyes. Will cause discomfort, irritation or possible permanent eye damage.
For more information, contact your Z-Co representative.
Use with extreme caution. Mix as little as 2 ounces 327-50 per gallon of water up to 10 ounces 327-50 to gallon of water for heavy duty needs. A good dilution ratio is to 4 to 8 gallons 327 per 50 gallon of water.
Precautions: Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor. High vapor concentration can cause unconsciousness or death.
Attention: This container hazardous when empty. Empty container retains product residue (vapor or liquid). All labeled hazardous precautions must per followed. Do not reuse empty package without commercial cleaning or reconditioning. See Material Safety Data Sheet for more information.
Case of Gallons (4-1)
5 Gallon Square
20 Liter Pail
30 Gallon Drum
55 Gallon Drum
220 Gallon Tote